Wentworth Institute Streamlines Processes, Replaces Aging Equipment
Results in Postage Savings and Better Service
For over 15 years, Wentworth Institute of Technology had been using a large international company to manage its print and mail services. Over the years, the cost of their service had climbed, while the service itself had declined. As a result, Wentworth found itself with rising costs, outdated equipment, inefficient workflow practices and wasted space.
Collegiate Press worked with the Institute to improve space efficiencies, install updated copy center production equipment and introduce scanning through its distributed MFD (multi-function device) fleet. More efficient workflow and reduced paper usage was the result: “Collegiate Press not only provided better pricing than our previous vendor, but they also improved the service,” says Charlene Roy, Director of Business Services.
In addition, Collegiate Press also worked with Wentworth to improve and streamline its mail equipment and processes. As a result, Wentworth has saved a considerable amount on postage. “Collegiate has been aggressive in working with departments to complete discount/bulk mailings in the center and in finding other savings through USPS channels that provide discounts,” says Roy.
Wentworth has also called on Collegiate for graphic design assistance. “Their professional services team has helped with the design and printing of major print projects, such as commencement programs,” Roy states.
Collegiate also staffs the Institute’s busy campus information desk. “Collegiate Press truly works with faculty, staff, students and campus visitors.”